ISIS - a tool for the U.S. and its allies?
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The brutal Islamist terrorist organization ISIS is said to be conducted by the U.S. and its allies as a tool to redraw the Middle East map. Even the regime in Syria is suspected to have been in agreement with ISIS in some way. Below I have gone through various media that shed light on the game behind ISIS.
ISIS[1] has recently spread fear among non-Sunnis in the Mosul area. On July 19, 2014 they forced the last Assyrian famillies to leave Mosul. Prior to this, the population of Syria witnessed horrific scenes during the past year with ISIS as an actor. This has meant that Christians have fled away in thousands to seek shelter elsewhere. And now, ISIS has intensified its attacks in northern Syria in order to take control of various oppositional forces but also of oilfields. But what's behind all this? Is it a newborn Islamist anger against non-Muslims or is ISIS a cover for a larger plan? And what is the Christian West doing to save Christianity in the Middle East?
We know that the West cares more about their finances than their Christian brothers in the Arab world. It is also wellknown that the West could sell ten thousand Christians for a barrel of oil. But the fact that the foremost democracies in the West, such as the U.S., would create and direct brutal Islamists and ignore when they murder and expel the Christians, it sounds like a strange idea. However we should not forget that the political game where the map is being redrawn, is a dirty game, where unholy alliances formed crisscrossing and where the aim justifies the means. Major powers and local actors can make deals over the heads of the citizens and the weaker groups are paying the price.
Renowned Lebanese Professor Walid Phares in the U.S. writes in a long analysis of the current situation in the Middle East under the title The Lost Spring that the U.S. has made up with Iran, how the question of Syria should be handled. Therefore the U.S. did not attack Syria in the summer 2013. Phares writes:
”The decision had already been made a year ago that a deal would be cut with the Iranian regime. If one has a deal, one is not going to enter into a war with the allies of the Ayatollah, such as Syria. That would kill the deal. These advisors and the pro-Iranian lobby in Washington are not made up only of Iranians. They are made of financial interest groups. For all these years there has been the idea that if we cut a deal with the Iranian regime, they will stabilize Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. When the Iranians moved in to Syria, Hezbollah moved in. When both moved in, al-Qaeda moved in. That was the end of civil demonstrations”, said Walid Phares.
Assad's regime and ISIS
Regarding ISIS, political observers believe that its leadership and the Assad regime have agreed and worked together on common issues. ISIS has introduced Islamic Sharia law in the province of Raqqa and forced the Christians to the Muslim sheltering tax Jizya. Those who do not agree must either convert to Islam or leave their homes. So far we are aware of what happened. But during the war, ISIS has not attacked the regular Syrian army. Why? If they oppose the regime should they end up in conflict with it. The only major clash occurred on July 19, 2014 near Homs where ISIS killed 270 soldiers of the regim before taking control över a field of natural gas, accordint to Swedish newspaper Aftonbldet.
Observers also believe that the Syrian government is supposed to use ISIS as a tool to attack the PKK autonomous areas in northern Syria. Currently there are intensive battles between ISIS and the PKK's Syrian department PYD in the city of Kobane outside Aleppo. Kobane is one of three "cantons" that PYD has declared as autonomous. Even Turkey and Barzani have the same objective to prevent the PKK’s plans for an autonomous region in Syria. More on Turkey and Barzani's stance on this issue can be read in the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet Gazetesi of July 16, 2014. Here we can see the interests of Syria and Turkey about a common enemy, even though the Assad regime conciders the Turkish Prime Minister Erdoğan as a bitter enemy. The Syrian government sees Turkey as the greatest actor that supports various Islamic terrorist groups who have created chaos in Syria. Cumhuriyet writes on July 17, 2014 that the city of Urfa (Urhoy) is the base for ISIS and its mercenaries are shipped from there over the border into Syria, to fight PYD forces in Kobane. Turkish press has over the past year highlighted a series of revelations that Turkish intelligence shippes weapons and mercenaries to various terrorist groups in Syria.
Regarding the expulsion of the Christians from Syria, of course we can not say that the Assad regime would like to see the country depleted of its Christian population, as the majority has given the regime their support for many years. Some of the countries that control ISIS perhaps do not see Christians as a primary target, but the terror group's progress has nevertheless meant that Christians have had to pay the price. The goal justifies the means.
Germany's role in jihad 1914
In the modern history, we can see a parallel to this in the beginning of World War I, when the Christian Germany called on its ally Turkey to declare jihad (holy war), according to genocide researcher Dr. Gabriele Yonan in Berlin. It got the result that Christian Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks were subjected to an outright genocide carried out by fanatical Muslims (mainly Kurds). The thing is that the Young Turk leaders who issued the order about mass deportation and mass murder of Christians, were secular Turks who did not care much about religion. They were educated in Paris and Berlin and were influenced by the European idea of a secular national state. But they took advantage of the religion’s inherent power to enforce the genocide.
Why did the Germans want Turkey to declare Jihad? The Germans' intention was not to hurt their Christian brothers in Turkey. Jihad was a tactical game to win major Muslim groups on their own side, whom were under British or French rule in different parts of Asia and Africa. The Germans' goal was that these Muslims would rise up against France and Great Britain, i.e. the enemies of the Germans if they will join Jihad. The consequence was that the Christians of Turkey suffered very hard of the German act, Dr. Gabriele Yonan stated during her lectures in Sweden 2001.
Israel's security
Mesopotamia, the cradle of civilization, has experienced several conquests and new masters for the last three millennia. But the indigenous people have never been so close to extinction from their native land. Assyrian culture and history is on the brink of annihilation. But it does not seem to bother the actors involved. In summer 2006, I wrote a debate article entitled "Will Israel create an allied Kurdish state in the Middle East?". It was published in The server to this website is off for now. In short, the message was that the Assyrian existence in Assyria seems to weigh less in the context when big actors like Israel seeking to secure their safety and their future business opportunities in the Middle East. This can best be done by a Kurdish ally state that controls a major part of the oil in Iraq. Some Israeli readers reacted strongly on my article. Today the country's top leaders, President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, admit that an independent Kurdish state in Iraq is Israel's main alternative (Reuters June 26, 2014).
Snowden about ISIS
In fact, Israel is said to be the key player in the creation of ISIS. Documents that Edward Snowden has revealed and quoted by the International Business Times (IBT) July 15, 2014 alleging that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been trained by the intelligences of the U.S. and Britain, in collaboration with the Israeli Mossad. Other reports indicated previously that the U.S. trained ISIS recruits in 2012, but the White House has not commented on it, writes the IBT, adding:
“As per a report in Gulf Daily News, Snowden revealed that the US, the UK and Israel drew up a plan to protect the Zionist entity, by using a strategy called ‘the hornet's nest’. The strategy was to get all the terrorists together in one place under an Islamic slogan and engaging them in a war far from Israel. In the documents leaked by Snowden, it claims that the ISIS was made for ‘the protection of the Jewish state’, and thereby keeping the enemies of Israel engaged”.
On July 4, 2014 the Turkish newspaper Özgür Gündem writes that ISIS' rampage in the Middle East is sanctioned by U.S., Israel, Turkey and Barzani's KDP. Özgür Gündem is close to PKK and its reporter Akif Serhat refers to an unnamed diplomat, who claims that a secret meeting was held in Amman, Jordan, on June 1, 2014. The meeting was attended by representatives from the U.S., Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, KDP, Kurdish Islamist Ansar al-Islam of Mullah Krekar and Iraqi Baath Party, along with several Islamist terrorist groups. The newspaper reports a list with the names of the participants.
A week later, the ISIS took control over Mosul. According to the source of Özgür Gündem Iran became aware of this plan and warned Massoud Barzani for continuing his support to ISIS. The diplomat quoted by Özgür Gündem made then the following analysis of the creation of ISIS (translated from the Turkish original):
"The U.S. and Israel want to exploit the chaos in Syria to enforce their plans. There are forces that are no longer under their control. They also have serious problems with their closest allies. This means that they risk losing control over the developments in the Middle East. They fear that the chaos in Syria could spread to the rest of the Middle East. Therefore the U.S. and Israel want to create opportunities to exploit the warring parties for their own purposes”.
ISIS changed the power balance in Syria
In the shadow of the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza, where the international media attention is directed to Palestine, ISIS is changing the balance of power in war-torn Syria, writes The Independent on July 17, 2014. ISIS is attacking both Kurdish PYD and Jabhat al-Nusra along with other opposition groups, in order to take control of the opposition. ISIS is also targeting the oilfields in northern Syria. They have recently conquered the oil-rich city of Dier-ez-Zor on the Euphrates, and killed the commander of Jabhat al-Nusra. They have been welcomed by local Sunni Arab clans by promising them shares in the oil, according to the Independent which adds:
“The recent Isis advances in Syria, following victories in Iraq last month, are altering the balance of power in the whole region. The opposition military forces not aligned with the Syrian government or Isis are being squeezed out of existence, making obsolete the US, British, Saudi and Turkish policy of backing groups hostile to both Assad and Isis”.
ISIS will not attack Israel
The last days of Israeli bombing of Gaza has also led to ISIS has been asked why they do not attack Israel to defend their Muslim brothers. ISIS has responded on Twitter that they will not attack Israel as long as the Israelis do not interfere in fitne (classical Muslim civil war). What is meant by fitne in this case, ISIS has not explained closer, writes the Turkish newspaper Yeni Akit. According to other statements in media, ISIS have answered that God had not commanded them to attack Israel. Their main enemy is the Shiites which ISIS regards as apostates from Islam.
Just days after ISIS took Mosul media reported that Barzani and ISIS had agreed on geografic interests and their common enemy was the Shiite government under Nuri al-Maliki. For that reason there was no direct confrontation between ISIS forces and Kurdish Peshmerga in Mosul or Kirkuk. Nuri al-Maliki himself claimed earlier that ISIS and Barzani had an agreement, but he was not taken seriously. The isolated fights that occurred outside the Assyrian city Baghdede on the Nineveh Plain were the result of a provocation by the Kurdish elite troops against Sunni Arab villages east of the river Tigris. The Arabs were told to move to the other side of the river, according to the reports of the Assyrian Federation of Sweden.
Various media that are close to Western interests give attention to daily atrocities of ISIS. Thus ISIS is shown as the biggest threat to the stability in the area. In fact, it seems that ISIS is a tool in the hands of the U.S. and its allies to implement their plans.
[1] Also called ISIL (Islamic state in Iraq och Levant) or just IS (Islamic state). Its abbreviation in Turkish is IŞID and in Arabic Da’esh